

CONCURSOS.Hacia la Sierra.Bornos_2


Date: 2006

Location: “Los Amarillos”, Avd. San Jeronimo. Bornos. Cádiz

Category: Square and public market 

Area: 1.972,75 m2.

Organizing company: City council of Bornos |  C.O.A. de Cádiz

Studio: Adolfo Pérez López

Features:  Market and public areas

Publications:   "Bornos Hacia la Sierra"  Edit.: arquitectosdecadiz   ISBN: 978.84.612.0931.6

RECOVER THE URBAN PLOT creating a new public urban space is the core of the project development, a new space to look at the city by creating spaces for commercial, cultural, documentation center and information work.

The new square top is complemented by opening and closing the continuous space by creating a public or private according to the needs of Bornos and different uses for outdoor exhibitions, closed or cultural performances, theater.

The second floor is accessed from the street “Fernan Caballero” at level +4.10, creating an open space of square or hall where the communication to the cultural center and space that opens or closes depending on the cultural needs of the city for theater, film conferences or exhibitions. This space is the formation of the existing slope, so that we can access from the boundary of “Fernan Caballero” street.

Subsequent plants are designed to classrooms, workshops, archive and library for use by the public, and a double-height space multidisciplinary communicating with the cafeteria and the viewpoint, to see the Sierra, the city of Bornos and its lake.

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