

Farmacia Rodríguez Santos. Rota


Date: 2011

Location: Calvario 95, Rota. Cádiz

Category:  Internal reform

Superficie: 175,00 m2.

Client: Javier Rodríguez Santos

Studio:   Adolfo Pérez López  |    Fco Javier Pérez Martín 

Features:  Interior design

Estado:  Work completed

The starting conditions of the project are very linked to a reduced lead time required and the need to develop a large exhibition space with a low cost. The project conforms to existing local with these premises to which it adds easy maintenance and implementation of future optical space in a second phase that will allow optimum use of space as a showcase, which takes place continuously without "cuts" allowing transparency between the inside and outside. The materials are marble and steel, furniture develops steel to paint on a white broken and the shelves are supported by tension reinforcing the image of continuity and unity of the main selling space and also allows for easy system installation low cost, in the soil has a white marble that allows its future maintenance. The remaining walls are painted white and furnishings to the public are backlit by LEDs.

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